丙午 “闽” 字户部大清铜币十文成交价格 发表评论A+所属分类:大清铜币 拍品估价: USD 300 - 450拍品专场: SBP2021年12月-机制币地方开拍日期: 2021-12-01 10:00:00结标日期: 2021-12-01 15:00:00拍品品相: PCGS MS62丙午 "闽" 字户部大清铜币十文成交价格: USD 780拍卖公司: SBP拍卖状态: 成交拍品描述:丙午 "闽" 字户部大清铜币十文。光芒闪烁的近精选品相。蓝棕色泽,底光丰富。龙面 12 点方向有一处轻微币坯瑕疵,特此说明。CHINA. Fukien. 10 Cash, CD (1906). PCGS MS-62 Brown.CL-FK.29; KM-Y-10f. Vibrant and highly glistening, this nearly-choice specimen dazzles with blue-brown hues and tremendous underlying radiance. A minor planchet flaw near 12 oclock on the dragon side is noted for completeness.From the Hobart Collection.