- A+
拍品估价: USD 5000 - 10000
开拍日期: 2021-10-01 09:00:00
结标日期: 2021-10-01 18:00:00
拍品相: 无
成交价格: USD 0
拍卖状态: 预展
拍品描述:广东省造光绪元宝七三反版七分三釐银币。 反版样币。经手痕迹与评级相符,仍非常诱人。点状灰色包浆,些许底光。<strong>罕见</strong>且深受欢迎的一枚。 (t) CHINA. Kwangtung. 7-3/10 Candareens (10 Cents), ND (1889). NGC EF-45. L&M-126; K-19; KM-Y-195; WS-0934. "Reversed pattern" type. Some signs of handling are evident, consistent for the grade, but this example is nonetheless highly attractive, with a molten gray toning and original underlying luster. <strong>RARE </strong>and ever popular.